Our bestseller
Wooden money box for saving money / crossed out. Personalized.
- Wooden piggy bank to make saving money easier.
Meet Sock 2.0 - a wooden piggy bank that motivates saving!
Tired of boring piggy banks from which you "borrow" money every now and then? We have a solution for you - a wooden piggy bank-drawer that will turn saving into an exciting game!
Create your own unique piggy bank!
This personalized piggy bank is quite a treat! You can modify it as you wish:
- Add a name or dedication, which will be on top of the box. Let this piggy bank really be yours!
- Choose the denominations and the number of grids. Do you want to put aside 5 zloty each, or maybe you prefer to throw a hundred zloty? Decide for yourself! (Standard: 100 10x10 grids).
- Determine the motivational text, which will appear at the bottom of the piggy bank. E.g. "Bali vacation - 365 days" or "New car - in 2 years!".
The rules of the game are simple:
- Put the amount corresponding to one of the boxes into the piggy bank.
- With satisfaction, cross out the box!
- Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the boxes are crossed out.
- Enjoy the accumulated amount!
Note! This piggy bank is a real challenge! There is no room for weakness here. The money cannot be "stolen" - the only way to get it back is... moneybox shattering!
For whom this piggy bank?
For anyone who wants to finally start saving money and have fun at the same time!
- For dreamers who have been saving up for a trip around the world
- For gourmands who are collecting for a ton of chocolate
- For car fans who dream of a new car
- For animal lovers who want to adopt an alpaca (seriously!)
- For all those who have a goal, but lack motivation
Dimensions and material:
Height: 11.5 cm (without the inscription, the height of the inscription depends on the text, as a rule it is an additional 3-5 cm)
Width: 22 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Material of construction: 3mm plywood
Order your personalized piggy bank and start making your dreams come true!
How to order?
You simply place an order. In the comment or message after ordering, write:
- Top dedication: e.g. Name or the whole purpose "Tom collects for a motorcycle"
- Number of grids: As a standard we give 10x10 grids in denominations from 1 to 50 zloty. But the number of grids and the denomination is to be determined. Want to put away up to a maximum of £10? No problem! We will set the matrix in such a way that there are only amounts up to PLN 10.
- Lower dedication: Any text. We propose here to give the amount and time of the "project saving".
Manufacturer's warranty for 2 years
The manufacturer guarantees the repair or replacement of the equipment up to 24 months from the date of purchase. Contact the store via the claim form to order a courier who will pick up the equipment from your home.
Do you need help? Do you have any questions?Ask a question and we'll respond promptly, publishing the most interesting questions and answers for others. 
Wiemy że oszczędzanie potrafi być trudne. Bardzo ważne jest aby być konsekwentym i trzymać się swojego celu. Pomoże ci w tym skarbonka wykreślanka. Na każdy dzień jest inna kwota, często bardzo symboliczna. Dzięki systematyczności w niedługim czasie można oszczędzić kwotę na wakację czy inną droższą przyjemność.

Personalizacja to obecnie prawdziwy hit, a skarbonki z imieniem zdobywają coraz większą popularność. Nic w tym dziwnego! Łączą w sobie funkcjonalność z unikalnym stylem, co czyni je doskonałym pomysłem na prezent. Niezależnie od okazji – urodziny, chrzest czy święta – skarbonka z imieniem to upominek, który nie tylko pomaga oszczędzać, ale także staje się sentymentalną pamiątką na lata.